Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Italian Job: Europe in 2021, and do Covidians = 'Nazis'?



I recently watched a review of Resistenza! (2021), a board game which deals with the communist partisan war against the German National Socialists and Italian Fascists in northern Italy during the last years of WWII. The reviewer, Marco, lives in the north of Italy, and his family comes from there, and so he feels a connection with the subject. And the game holds significance for him politically as well as personally: while he holds no strong political opinions, it seems, he as a modern-day liberal Italian evidently regards the partisan struggle as a noble cause, and thinks that the game is important as it shines a light on an oft-neglected episode of Italian history. 

Most gamers like to play their games with others; Marco maintains a special wing of his house stocked with hundreds of games, and it is set aside for when his gamer friends come to visit and play games with him. Unfortunately, Marco, living in the north of Italy, has been under house arrest for a year and a half because of the edicts of the Covidians; so he has been unable to receive visitors, he has been made to home school his children, he has deteriorated (as can be seen, I think, from his videos) psychologically under the government-imposed isolation. But Marco can be counted among the lucky ones, as the the Italian lockdown would have damaged more the northern Italians living in single-person households, that is, those who are unmarried or widowed and without children: these men and women have been sentenced to solitary confinement for nearly two years, and solitary confinement, as we know, is a form of punishment for prisoners, reputedly one of the worst a jailer can inflict. 

I sympathise with Marco because, at the time of writing, at least 12 million Australians are now under house arrest, many of them in solitary confinement. This is an extraordinary moment in Australian history, considering that the 12 million figure approaches 50% of the population. (The jibe now is that Australia has returned to being a penal colony). How did Australia - and the other locked-down nations (Italy, Spain, Ireland, the United Kingdom, France, Ireland, etc.) - fall into this lamentable state? 

Covidianism has been foisted upon us by three groups: journalists, politicians and 'white coats' (that is, medical professionals and health officials). But what are the underlying causes which allowed the imposition of the Covidian Great Reset upon us? In the case of Italy, there are two: the apathy of the 'normies' and the triumph of the partisans - or at least, the Allies - in WWII. 


The partisans, after the Allied 'liberation' of Italy, killed tens of thousands of Italians; mainstream historians, who are liberal and anti-fascist, put the death toll as high as 80,000. 

This fact is unremarked upon today - it simply does not suit the politically correct narrative - and were you to bring it to the attention of an apolitical man such as Marco, he would exclaim that it is a terrible thing, to be sure, but: 'What about Auschwitz'? 

Even if you were to disabuse Marco of the notion that Italian Jews were carted off to Auschwitz to be gassed (perhaps he could be persuaded to read the work of the great Italian Revisionist Carlo Mattogno), the conversation would, after a point, tail off, as Marco would lose interest in the subject; after a point, he would shrug his shoulders and evince a desire to go back to his gaming. In the last analysis, 'normies' really are not that interested in history, or at least not in the implications that history holds for the present.

But he ought to be interested, because the partisan victory and subsequent massacre of all conservative and Fascist-leaning Italians ensured that Masonry was unchecked and unimpeded; and it is Masonry which begat Covidianism. 

I will define what it is I mean by Masonry

1) An occult secret society which is hundreds of years old, and which borrows in its symbolism from Near Eastern cultures; 

2) A doctrine of liberalism, internationalism, cosmopolitanism, egalitarianism, republicanism, anti-traditionalism, individualism, rationalism; its Enlightenment values informed the French and American Revolutions of the 18th century so much so that whenever an American conservative speaks of 'Judeo-Christian', he really means 'Judeo-Masonic'; 

3) The political rule by a shadowy, technocratic elite, which views the populace instrumentally, i.e., something to be manipulated, used, shaped, by those possessed of a higher rationality. 

To sum up: Masonry is a brand of liberalism (hyper-liberalism, even), differentiated from other liberalisms by its esoteric, occult and secretive qualities. 

To understand the politics of Masonry, the reader would be best advised to read Dieter Schwarz' excellent pamphlet, Freemasonry - Ideology, Organisation and Policy (1944). A summary reads: 

This book was printed by the SchutzStaffel ϟϟ and issued to Waffen SS, Ghestapo and German command, it was also available to the general population. This short book summarizes and exposes the subversive, anti-western nature of Freemasonry and how they have conspired and were conspiring against the traditional Europe. It also goes into the Jewish dominance and influence over Freemasonry. Arguably Freemasonry is the Jewish revolutionary spirit in action. The book also goes into how Freemason Richard Von Coudenhove-Kalergi, the founder and president of the Pan-Europa movement that would become the European Union received Jewish funding.

If we are to trace the political fortunes of Masonry, we will see that they reached their peak some time around WWII; after that, Masonry stagnated. No longer centers of political intrigue, the Masonic lodges today serve as social clubs for old men - such are the consequences of modern day individualisation and atomisation. 

Given the highly visible decline of Masonry in the present age, why, then, do I consider Covidianism to be 'Masonic'? Why does the British musician Ian Brown sing of the 'Masonic Lockdown' in his anti-Covidian song Little Tree Big Seed (2020)? 

The answer is that certain prominent individuals have acquired massive political power in the past two years, and the spectacular careers of these individuals embody some of the key tenets of Masonry, in particular, 2) and 3) above. These men are Schwab, Fauci, Gates, and the legion of faceless and nameless technocrats and experts who set the UK, USA, Australia, Spain, Italy, on the dark path towards Covidianism. And, perhaps, for all we know, 1) above applies to these men as well - that is, that the Faucis and Schwabs actually belong to an occult international, an occult secret society which transcends borders. Speculation on the Internet as to these occult links is rife, at present, and such speculation is understandable, given that we are faced with a dearth of information on the ideological motivations and affiliations of these men, who were two years ago largely unknown to us before they were jockeyed into positions of enormous power. In a vacuum of information, conspiracy theories flourish. 


In the 20th century, German and Italian fascism fought relentlessly against Masonry of any kind. From this it follows that if you were to terminate fascism (and it was terminated, with extreme prejudice), you are to terminate one of the bulwarks against Masonry - perhaps the only bulwark. I will make this argument later. For the moment, I want to examine the accusation - from the 'normie' conservatives - that Covidianism is somehow 'Nazi' and 'fascist'. 

You only need to watch a few newsreels to prove the falsity of this charge; the Germans, in the 1930s and 1940s, did not wear masks and did not practice social distancing. And the Germans of this era did not sequester people in doors, close down businesses, force people into unemployment; all throughout the war, for example, they wanted people to work - and go outdoors. The Germans of this period would have regarded today's house arrests, solitary confinements, sequestrations, social distancing, forced idleness, 'working remotely', etc., as akin to a crime against nature - and Life itself. 

As can be seen from the conservative news, some 'normie' conservatives have drawn a comparison between the forcible wearing of masks (and adoption of 'vaccine' passports) and the Star of David. They are making another inappropriate historical analogy, and one which we can easily recognise as inappropriate with a little thought. According to the conservative narrative, the 'vaxxed' are the new 'Nazis', the 'unvaxxed', the new 'Jews'. The latter shall be marked out and segregated from normal society, like the wartime European Jews forced to wear the Star of David. But the analogy makes no sense. Why would a new 'Nazi' elite inject themselves with a substance which could make them sick and die? Why would they inject their own public sector workers - and soldiers and police! - with that substance? How could self-poisoning denote social distinction? (I suppose the People's Temple in Jonestown through their act of mass suicide distinguished themselves from the rest of humanity - and perhaps a comparison between the 'vaxxed' and the suicides of the People's Temple could be extended further by pointing out that the latter killed themselves through injecting as well as drinking poison). 

Another comparison between the Covidians and the WWII Germans: the police in the locked-down nations regularly badger people - and often arrest them - for not wearing masks, they will stop people in the street and demand proof of 'vaccination', and so forth; this, to our 'normie' conservative, calls to mind the German soldiers in occupied Europe in WWII, who, as we know from Hollywood movies, are always stopping civilians and asking for papers. 'Papers, where are your papers!' ('Ihren Papieren, Bitte' - your papers, please). The Covidian police = the 'Nazis' for this reason in the mind of the 'normie' conservative, because to him, WWII - in German-occupied Europe - was the only time in history that soldiers stopped civilians in the street and asked for identification... 

That brings us to another association between Covidianism and 'Nazism' - and one which is more difficult to avoid. This is the analogy that the 'normie' conservatives are prone to make between the Covid 'vaccination' and the German wartime compulsory euthanasia program. 

To recite some history for the reader: allegedly, during WWII, the Germans killed - through gassing or lethal injection - tens of thousands of retarded or incurably insane people, with the permission of their families; this was done ostensibly to free up hospital beds for wounded German soldiers. Now, the comparison between the 'Nazis' and the Covidians here seems appropriate, insofar as that lethal injections in both instances are a weapon of choice, and one used to accomplish a feat of mass murder: for the Covid 'vaccine' has so far killed (if reports of its 'adverse effects' are anything to go by) thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, depending on whose figures you believe.

I contend that further investigation of the German euthanasia program is required before we can pass final judgment. For the interim, I will not here take the path - one which is taken by most sympathisers with National Socialist Germany when discussing this subject - of arguing that such eugenic programs were only in keeping with the standards and practices of the time. Such an assertion is true enough, but it avoids the fact that eugenics formed one of the cornerstones of the National Socialist ideology and made that ideology distinctive. German National Socialism, unlike Italian Fascism, championed eugenics (the breeding of better human beings) and dysgenics (the weeding out of undesirable human beings). This is one side of the National Socialist doctrine that rival ideologies (such as Catholicism) found to be particularly gross and immoral. 

But even if one is inclined to agree with the Catholics, one must concede that the motive force behind eugenics differs from that of Covidianism. For the neo-Masons who have enforced house arrest, solitary confinement, 'vaccinations' with lethal consequences, and the like, do what they do with the intention of denying life. It is anti-natalism and population reduction which seem to animate them, and the values behind both those goals run counter to those of the National Socialists - and the Catholics as well. Catholicism wants all people - regardless of race or colour or creed - to reproduce as much as possible, and holds all life to be sacred; National Socialism wants only those of sound racial stock to reproduce as much as possible, and holds only ascendant life to be sacred; neo-Masonic Covidianism wants no-one (regardless of their racial fitness or lack thereof) to reproduce, and does not hold any form of life to be sacred. Catholicism wants an increase in the population, unfit or unfit; National Socialism, an increase in the population of the fit and a reduction in that of the unfit; Covidianism, a reduction in the entire population, fit or unfit. 

National Socialism, Catholicism and Covidianism find themselves incompatible. But Covidianism is compatible with Masonry, and it can be made compatible with the two other political forces which were the enemies of National Socialism - Judaism and Bolshevism. 

This is despite the fact that there incidences of 'friendly fire' all around. To explain. In the first years of the Soviet Union, Masonry was outlawed by the Bolsheviks and lambasted by Marxist luminaries such as Trotsky, but even so, in the first half of the twentieth century, Masonry used its not inconsiderable powers to help Bolshevism. Liberalism here recognised socialism as a cousin. As for Judaism, Schwarz chronicles the 18th century Jewish practice of joining Masonic lodges and cultivating powerful Freemasons; from the time of the Enlightenment on, Judaism utilised Masonry as a means of breaking down the barriers which prevented Jews from entering Gentile society. Historically, Jews have felt sympathy for the Freemasons. But, seventy-five years after the publication of Schwarz' book, the neo-Masonic Covidians, being opposed to all religious services (and all religion on principle), aroused the wrath of American Jewry by forcing the closure of synagogues in New York during one of the lockdowns in that city; the egalitarian ideology of Covidian neo-Masonry does not recognise Jews as 'The Chosen', hence the Jewish denunciations of the closures as 'anti-Semitic'. 

This may confuse the observer, but it all can be understood once we take into account the fact that Bolshevism, Masonry and Judaism are a troika in which one of the three will always enjoy a temporary dominance over the other two. At the moment, the Masonic faction is riding high. But not for long! Sooner or later, the Masons will be cut down to size...


Many commentators have remarked that since 2020, we have been living in a dream world - or a nightmare world. The most extraordinary thing about it is that misanthropy, life denial and nihilism have been made a policy of state. 

Around a 150 years ago, that philosophy of life - or anti-life - was represented by Schopenhauer; and around twenty to thirty years ago, by certain nihilistic tendencies within the subcultures of the West - such as, for instance, the black metal music genre. And, astoundingly enough, that philosophy has now become policy. To someone looking in from the outside, all this must seem absurd - as though some Satanic black metal musician, or some devotee of Atomwaffen and the Order of Nine Angles, has overnight become world dictator. 

On a personal note, all this runs contrary to my nature. I will admit that like many, in my youth, I was attracted to the philosophy of Schopenhauer, and even now, many years later, I still regard Nietzsche's first book, The Birth of the Tragedy (1872) (written in his youth, during his Schopenhaurian phase) as his finest. But in my own defence, an attraction to a philosophy of nihilism is not uncommon among free thinking young men (of which I was one): many of them are attracted to the misanthropy, pessimism and darkness of black metal, for example. But I can state that now that I am older, I do not understand Covidianism and its associated doctrines of nihilism, life-denial and the rest. I do not want to see a cessation of births or a culling of the population. I certainly do not want to live the rest of my life sequestered, or wearing a piece of cloth tied to my face, and I deplore the tragedies which have occurred since the onset of Covidianism - for example, the epidemic of teen suicides in the UK following Johnson's lockdown. 

How, then, can we avert further tragedies and recover our lost freedom? It is: stamp out Covidianism, and in doing so, show the Covidians the same ruthlessness to them that they have shown to others - to (for example) the grandmothers and pregnant women barred by the Australian police from resting on park benches, the teenage girls pepper-sprayed by that same police for not wearing masks... 

For inspiration, we ought to cast our eyes to the Europe of eighty years ago, when the old Masonry (paleo-Masonry?) was terminated and with extreme prejudice. In the October 15 1940 edition of Foreign Policy Reports, we find the essay 'Europe Under Nazi Rule' by Vera Micheles Dean; here are some of the passages which pertain to Masonry: 

Whatever may be Hitler’s ultimate plans for the political reorganization of Europe, it is already clear that many of the practices familiar in Germany have been introduced in conquered countries, at least for the duration of the war—either directly by the Nazis, or by native administrators under Nazi pressure. Among such measures are... the spread of anti-Semitism, and abolition of secret societies, notably Free Masonry. 

Relations between the German occupying authorities and the Dutch population, at first marked by extreme civility on the one side, and stunned resignation on the other, have shown signs of increasing strain as the Dutch began to realize the consequences of conquest... Free Masonry was abolished on September 5.

Meanwhile, the French social and economic system was rapidly being adapted to “new conditions"... Republican legislation banning anti-Semitic activities was repealed, and a number of demonstrations against Jews were reported in both occupied and unoccupied France. Free Masonry, long denounced for its political influence by the Right and by the Church, was abolished, and all French government officials and employees were required to take on oath that they had no connection with Free Masonry.


In 2021, the fight for freedom for Europe rests in the hands of the European people, the masses; no political leaders, certainly not those seeking a revival of the politics of 80 years ago, are coming over the horizon to save Europe. And a survey of the terrain reveals that Europeans cannot expect relief from the conservatives: after all, some of the worst Covidians in Europe (Johnson of the UK, Mitsotakis of Greece, Macron of France, et al.) are 'conservative'. 

But then, in the 1930s and 1940s, Churchill was considered a 'conservative'; and Roosevelt would be considered by today's standards to be well to the Right of anyone in the today's Democratic Party. And we can trace a line of development from the politics of these men - and De Gaulle, Weizmann and the others of that circle - to the politics of today's neo-Masons and Covidians. Johnson = Churchill, Macron = De Gaulle, Biden = Roosevelt... 

Now, some may object that the politicians of eighty to ninety years ago would never have countenanced Covidianism, which is true enough but only for the reason that these men had not thought of it at that juncture. In much the same way, the communists of Italy in the 1940s and 1950s would never have supported the idea of the Great Replacement for Italy (and Europe), but that is not because the 'old' Italian Left lacked the malice of the 'new'; no, it is because the idea had not occurred to them. Furthermore they would have recognised that such a misanthropic idea would not have caught on. They would have been politically astute enough to recognise that the Great Replacement, along with Greta Thunberg environmentalism, Social Justice Warrior cancel culture, etc., would have seemed a bridge too far for Italians in the 1950s. But now, seventy years later, the Italians are more than ready - and this is 'progress'. 


I began drafting this essay at the start of July, and revisiting the draft at the end of August, I find little to nothing has changed for Australia - it remains in its Covidian rut. A resolution to the crisis seems as far as away as ever. One of the reasons why I held off completing and posting the essay was that I wanted to be seen as 'positive', not 'negative', and my thinking was that if I could not say something 'positive', well, better not say it at all - and truth to tell, I could think of nothing 'positive' to say. I still cannot, and I do not think anyone with any intellectual honesty can assert that salvation lies just around the corner... 

At present, it will take a miracle to extricate ourselves from our plight - a miracle much like that occurred in a Central European nation nearly ninety years ago (in what Yockey called the 'European Revolution of 1933'). Until then, I advise readers: escape! If you cannot leave present Australia - or Europe - materially, leave it spiritually. Send your mind back, through time, to the past if need be.

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